Are vegetarians healthier than Meat Eaters?

This is a controversial question; mostly a debate topic…this question usually ends up with an answer which supports only one side of the coin. But in reality, both of them have equal benefits and drawbacks. Vegetarians may have more health benefits because they don’t consume more food which will take time to digest. In the case of meat-eaters, they do have more bone strength; their diet includes all the animal proteins which are essential for humans.

While getting in-depth into the topic: vegetarians have low BP, low cholesterol levels, low hypertension, and type 2 diabetes when compared with meat-eaters. Vegetarians will have a lower body mass index and have less risk of cancer and they are not mostly affected by diseases that are chronic and harmful to the body. Many kinds of research and studies have proven that vegetarians are less prone to cardiac diseases.

They consume less quantity of fat and cholesterol and more amounts of other vitamins like vitamin C, E, and many other dietary fibers, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals. The plant chemicals such as carotenoids and flavonoids are also essentially available in a vegetarian’s diet.

Coming to meat-eaters have more and good sources of vitamins, proteins, and minerals in their diet. Red meat is a rich source of iron. Vitamin B12 is also available in meat. Even though our body produces all the essential amino acids which are essential. Consuming animal proteins such as meat, fish, dairy products, eggs, and poultry will complete the required amount of amino acids that are necessary for the body.

There a lot more benefits of being a meat-eater, having meat will reduce appetite, will also, help in increasing metabolism, it also helps in the retention of muscle mass, strengthens the bones, has better iron absorption.

A new look at Nature makes clear, not only processing and eating meat come obviously to people, it is totally feasible that without an early diet that covered generously quantities of animal protein, we would not even have ended up human—at the least, not the contemporary, verbal, wise human beings we're.

Due to the absence of beef in a plant-primarily based weight loss program, vegans (and vegetarians) are generally poor in diet B12 and iron. This can result in fatigue, complications, and dizziness and if left untreated, anemia.

Although many of them chose to consume both meat and leaves, which earned us the dubious name of “omnivore,” we're anatomically herbivorous. Even now if you want to live as your ancestors did, you do have the choice now having Nuts, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are the basis of a healthy vegan lifestyle.

As mentioned earlier both of them are good for health but it completely depends upon the way of consuming and the diet followed the amount of food intake. Whatever you eat to make sure it will not harm your health. Whether it is a vegetarian diet full of greens and leaves or a plate full of delicious chicken or some meat have it in a recommended amount. Don't cross the limit which will end up with illness. 

Nutrition Meet 2020
Bree Scavo | Program Manager +447723584386
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